News & Events

Welcome to the GSM News & Events blog. Upcoming events will be posted here, as well as relevant school information for those interested in GSM’s bilingual program.

Was ist eine Schultüte?

The Schultüte (school cone) is a German tradition. On the first day of elementary school (in Germany that means entering first grade), students receive this special present -usually from their parents. It will then be part of your “first day of school picture” and forever be remembered. It’s a long cone that is filled with goodies and closed with a bow on top, also known to some as “Zuckertüte” (yes, that translates to sugar bag…). GSM has adapted this tradition and each student receives a Schultüte from their teacher on the first day. Since elementary school starts with Kindergarten in the US, we have tweaked the tradition a tiny bit, so that no matter what year you are joining GSM you will receive your very own “Schultüte”.

You can find out about what else is happening at GSM below

Spotlight: The IB PYP Program

2025 is going to be a big year for GSM

Happy Holidays from GSM

We will be back on January 6th 2025

New: Specialty Playdates

Experience our preschool classes first hand

The Benefits of Bilingual Preschool Education

Learn more about GSM’s program, the benefits of the curriculum and our admission procedure.

GSM Parent Association hosts St. Martin’s Lantern Walk

We are bringing light into the night with our very first Laternenumzug honoring St. Martin.

Spotlight on Robotics

GSM is an IB Candidate school offering many exciting extracurriculars

Tour our two locations now

Fall Open House Season is here

GSM Preschool Window gets a makeover

The preschool at 85 Warren Street just got a little bit more colorful!

Auction Night is on May 17th

Get excited for GSM's most glamorous fundraiser

Sign up for the Spring Community Playdates!

The funnest way to experience GSM Preschool

Back by popular demand: Tag der offenen Tür – Mit Galli & Kinderbooks!

All in one family-friendly event! Back by popular demand!

GSM Community Event: Tag der offenen Tür mit Galli & Kinderbooks!

You can see the school, meet the teachers & participate in activities!

GSM’s buzzing community calendar

Theater, Afterschool & Blockparties

GSM Education Blog: FRESCH Thinking

4th Grade Class Teacher Lara Winnesberg provides an introduction to the German Spelling Curriculum

Teaching Highlight: “Malala’s magischer Stift”

Social Topics in the German Kindergarten Class Room

Baking for Relief in the Ukraine

Next week we are fundraising for the young victims of the Ukraine crisis

GSM Open Houses/Virtual Info Sessions

Please join us at one of our info sessions and learn about GSM unique dual immersion program